Canadian UFO Case Analysis

Analyzing UFO Cases in Canada

Although UFO activity in Canada is not so high compared to the colossal number of contacts on the territory of its southern neighbor, the United States, Canada has already developed its own ufo traditions and an impressive number of sightings have been registered. Moreover, it was this country that became one of the first where the UFO research project was officially launched, which was actively functioning even before the start of work on the Blue Book project in the United States.

On November 21, 1950, engineer Wilbert Smith sent a report to the Canadian Ministry of Transport about his meeting with the leading scientific adviser to the American government, Robert Sarbacher, who participated in secret investigations of cases over Washington. Sarbacher confirmed UFO research has a higher degree of secrecy than the development of a hydrogen bomb, and that attempts are being made to find out the flight mechanisms of these devices. Sarbacher was an extremely serious scientist and 30 years later, shortly before his death, admitted that he knew about the facts of the capture of UFOs and the discovery of alien bodies.

Robert Sarbatcher

Robert Sarbacher

Already 11 days after the Canadian government announced the launch of the Magnet project, its members began developing propellers based on the study of UFOs. The project owes its name to information allegedly received from Sarbacher that UFOs use engines based on the principle of magnetism for flight.

Survivors of the abduction told about it. In December 1953, Smith, using the materials of the Chamber of Defense Research, began to create a research site in the vicinity of Ottawa, which became the world's first technical UFO detection center, whose tasks included recording large fluctuations in the local magnetic field, allegedly caused by flying saucer engines. On the eighth of August 1954, the detection system worked, but heavy fog prevented visual observations.

Two days later, the Magnet project was curtailed. When information about the project became public 20 years later, the Canadian government stated - scientists had only conducted experiments with magnetic equipment and had not studied UFOs. However, declassified materials indicate that the data obtained allowed Smith to be more than 90% convinced of the reality of UFOs and 60% sure that these are alien aircraft!

flyinng saucer scheme

After the closure of this first-ever scientific ufo program, UFO research in Canada began to be conducted exclusively in secret. A memorandum from 1953 indicates the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence was engaged in the collection and analysis of UFO data. It should be noted that in Australia and the United Kingdom, countries that maintain close government ties with Canada, similar bodies have been created that are still involved in secret ufo research.

The Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence included Air Force intelligence personnel and a government commission of scientists who had passed a security check. One of the tasks of this body was the examination of foreign technologies based on intelligence and the assessment of their offensive and defensive military potential. Curiously, UFOs were also included in this category.

In Canada, there is a developed ufo community, several groups have been created to study UFOs, but the secrecy situation prevents the publication of data on military contacts with UFOs.

Close encounters

The history of UFO reports dates back to the XIX century, and the first major contact was recorded in Georgian Bay on the shores of Lake Ontario back in 1914. Creatures as tall as a child took water samples from the lake using a long tube.

Canada is known as the arena of a number of classic cases already mentioned above. Serious burns received by Stephen Michalak in 1967, and the landing of domed objects that left circles of folded plants in the fields of Langenburg in 1974 are just two cases from this list. It was in Canada on June 29, 1954 that one of the most significant contacts in the air took place, when the crew and passengers of the BOAS airliner crossing Goose Bay off the Labrador Peninsula en route to London noticed several objects flying nearby.


The authorities were so alarmed that interceptors of the Canadian Air Force were raised to escort the civilian aircraft, and after landing, the crew was interviewed by experts from the US Air Force and the British Ministry of Defense. Subsequently, regressive hypnosis sessions were conducted with the crew members - perhaps for the first time in the course of an official investigation. In 1967-1968, a special grant was allocated to the staff of the University of Colorado to study this case, and according to the results of the analysis, the incident was recognized as a genuine UFO.

One of the most interesting color photographs of UFOs was also taken in Canada — it happened on October 8, 1981 in Kelsey Bay on Vancouver Island. A strange cloud appeared over the mountain, from which a UFO emerged. The disc-shaped object captured on the film was never identified.

About 20 kidnappings have been recorded in Canada. Two of them are certainly among the most unusual. One incident occurred in San Katharine, Ontario, where a full-fledged rock band was abducted in October 1971. During the investigation, a psychiatrist from New York managed to identify repressed memories of medical tests conducted on board a UFO. But perhaps the most incredible story is connected with a whole sequence of events that occurred in the 1990s with a woman named Alvina Scott from Ontario. Alvina claimed that she was repeatedly abducted; the kidnappers also told her about their upcoming plans. In particular, these plans included the creation of huge storage facilities for spare body parts using high technologies of genetic engineering and cloning. Spare parts were used to replace worn-out organs.

The case that occurred on March 5, 1999, is unusual in that a diamond-shaped UFO spotted over the city of Kimberley in British Columbia was considered the culprit for the fall of the roof of the new children's theater: the destruction occurred a few minutes after the object flew over the building.

Waves and special zones

In Canada, there were not as large-scale waves as in other countries, although sometimes bursts from the United States spread to its territory. One of the most famous bursts took place in 1975 — a series of observations were recorded over military bases on the US-Canadian border. Some bases had missiles with nuclear warheads. The objects were tracked by radar, but the planes raised to intercept them did not detect them. Although this case remained secret for many years, it caused considerable alarm in government circles of both countries. Vancouver Island, where the UFO photos mentioned above were taken, was also the scene of numerous close contacts, and therefore is considered a special zone.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO cases  Canada  analysis  UFO  Sarbacher  UFO research  UFOs

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