The clearest UFO photo in 40 years. The whole truth about this photo

The clearest UFO photo in 40 years. The whole truth about this photo

A resident of the Polish village of Yastrovo made, according to ufologists, the best UFO pictures in 40 years. According to the newspaper, the man, who wished to remain anonymous due to fears that he might be mistaken for a person with a mental disorder, photographed an unidentified flying object on his phone camera. The footage turned out to be of good quality and allowed us to thoroughly study the captured, presumably, flying saucer.

The clearest UFO photo in 40 years.


According to the eyewitness himself, he was riding a bicycle and heard a strange sound. Turning around, the man noticed a pyramid-shaped object hovering over the forest. He managed to take five pictures before the UFO disappeared. The Pole gave the photo to ufologist Robert Bernatovich.

UFO photo

The specialist, in turn, turned to the former head of the investigation department of the British UFO Research Association, Philip Mantle, who, after reviewing the photos, called them the best he had seen in the last 40 years, and suggested that they were most likely genuine.

Expert Jason Gleave came to a similar opinion. After studying the pictures, he stated that the object was metal and was located at a distance of 45-60 meters above the ground.


True or fake?

A comprehensive analysis of the image really demonstrates that the object is located in the photo, is real, the shadows are real.

True  or fake

A comprehensive analysis of the image really demonstrates that the object is located in the photo, is real, the shadows are real. We do not stop repeating to you that only by these criteria it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy about the authenticity of the plot of the picture. Can you determine the proportions of the object and the distance to it? If you take a closer look at the size of the shadows, then yes. But this is painstaking and difficult work. What else could and should have confused modern ufologists? The picture was taken not so long ago, there is a video recording function in every smartphone. In your right mind, you won't take photos when you have the opportunity to shoot a video. But the author decides to take photos? Why? Because videos are harder to fake.

After the publication of photos in social networks, their author suddenly appeared. He said that the UFO pictures are fake. They were made with the help of a metal toy, and the goal was to expose the Polish ufologist, but the joke went too far.

UFO fake

I'm sorry, but it's a fake. These photos are mine, I sent them to show what a trusting man Robert Bernatovich is - I never thought he would send them somewhere abroad. I'm sorry you were fooled-I didn't want to involve anyone other than Robert Bernatovich.

written by Janusz Gazda:

Hoax flying saucer

We don't know who Gazda managed to fool, but if you are not a couch expert, and you go on expeditions in search of UFOs, then you meet with unidentified objects regularly. And this is not bravado, this is a fact, if someone does not believe, join our expeditions, you will see everything with your own eyes! Knowing how UFOs behave, you will not be so easy to fool. Analyzing other people's results of photos or videos without having your own experience, you risk being deceived in the conclusions. It's like swimming, you can watch on TV the technique of swimming, the ease of execution of the elements, but you will probably drown or you will not be as elegant as on TV if you haven't tried it yourself.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO  photo  analysis  clearest  ufo sightings  2020  fake  hoax  flying saucer

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