Scientists are worried that NASA will be a magnet for alien invaders.

Scientists are afraid that NASA is going to attract alien invaders to the Earth.

Most films and novels about contacts with alien civilizations either end badly, or Earthlings win, but at the cost of incredible efforts and losses.

There is also a dark forest Theory that explains why we have not yet discovered extraterrestrial civilizations and why we ourselves also need to sit quietly and "don't show up" if we do not want to attract the attention of predatory invaders. And yet, until now, many scientists continue to search for extraterrestrial intelligence by sending messages or signals into space, in which they inform aliens with naive cordiality that we are waiting for them on our inhabited planet in the third place from the Sun.  A new NASA project called Beacon in the Galaxy, announced in March 2022, continues this dubious tradition. The project provides for sending updated messages into space containing much more information about humanity than was in the 1974 message sent into space from the Arecibo radio telescope.

The new messages, which are proposed to be sent using a spherical radio telescope with a five–hundred–meter aperture in China and the Allen telescope of the SETI Institute in northern California, will be sent to closer star clusters - located at a distance of 6,000 to 20,000 light-years from us - which have been identified as "having a high probability of intelligent life." After this news, the number of scientists and various figures opposing such initiatives began to increase.

The late Stephen Hawking also said it was a bad idea. According to him, unlike Hollywood films, where earthlings most often defeat formidable aliens, a less developed civilization (human) is more likely to lose in this confrontation.  Toby Ord of the Oxford Institute for the Future of Humanity (FHI), agrees with Hawking and others. In his 2020 book, The Abyss, he examines the main problems that humanity is already facing, and suggests how to reduce or stop the risks and take a long-term view of our survival. And this survival includes possible contact with other intelligent civilizations.

The main topical issue is the ratio of peaceful and hostile civilizations. We have very little evidence as to whether this is a high or low probability, and there is no scientific consensus. Given that the negative side can be much more than the positive, this does not seem like a good situation in which you can take active steps to contact

The quote:

Anders Sandberg from the same FHI is also on the side of Hawking and Ord and complains that many people simply do not understand the seriousness of this situation. He says that for a wide part of society, the very idea of contact with aliens causes rather a "giggle factor", which, according to him, is a very dangerous response. After all, underestimating such risks may become a tragedy for humanity in the future. Alas, scientists who want to implement the Lighthouse in the Galaxy project reject the fears of Sandberg, Ord, Hawking and other "paranoids". For them, any advanced civilization capable of communicating through space "is likely to reach a high level of cooperation and will know the importance of peace and cooperation.

UFO sightings

"Yes, they really believe that the aliens would rather tell us "We came in peace" and start trading and exchanging cultural experiences with us. However, if these intelligent beings are at least a little like ourselves, then most likely they will act with earthlings as the Spanish, British and other colonizers did with the indigenous peoples of the lands they seized.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

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NASA  alien  invaders  Erath  scince

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