How Nikola Tesla and Marconi overheard the messages of aliens from Mars

How Nikola Tesla and Marconi overheard the messages of aliens from Mars

One of the most incredible and odious personalities in the scientific community, as well as one of the most misunderstood, of course, is the Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist Nikola Tesla. His contribution to science and technology is enormous, he developed a number of electrical and mechanical devices, his asynchronous AC motor and related patents for multiphase alternating current, the first X-ray imaging devices, and many other inventions that were considered a miracle in his time. 

He was significantly ahead of his time, and also predicted many technological innovations that we take for granted today, and by the time of his death in 1943, Tesla was the owner of more than a thousand patents of all kinds, including neon lights, remote automation systems, artificial lightning, particle beam energy and much more.  Around the name of the scientist, we can observe many conspiracy theories, which is largely due to the remoteness from us in time, and the difficulty of verifying certain facts, in particular, including the alleged participation in the Philadelphia Experiment, the creation of superweapons, atmospheric electricity, Tesla was even credited with the story of the explosion from the Tunguska meteorite.


One of the strangest such theories tells how Tesla was connected with alleged extraterrestrial intelligent beings. Considerations that Tesla was closely associated with aliens are gaining more and more popularity these days. Someone believes that they helped him with inventions, and someone generally considers Tesla an alien. Therefore, it is better to turn to the very origins, to what Tesla himself said.

In an article for Collier's Weekly in 1901, Tesla claimed that in 1899, in his laboratory in Colorado Springs, he accidentally established radio communication with aliens. It was the era when both he and the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi were among the first to start working on radio wave technologies and their application, and one night Tesla began testing a unique radio antenna designed to track thunderstorms. During the experiments, Tesla, when connected to the channel, heard very unusual sounds, which, after logical analysis, he identified as the voices of extraterrestrial beings.

Even now, at times I can vividly recall this incident and see my device as if it were really in front of me. My first observations definitely scared me, as there was something mysterious, if not supernatural, about them, and I was alone in my laboratory at night, but at that time the idea that these "interference" were intelligently controlled signals had not yet presented itself to me. However, after some time, the thought flashed through my mind that the "interference" I was observing could be the result of something reasonable. Although I couldn't decipher their meaning, I couldn't think of them as completely random. I have a constantly growing feeling that I was the first to hear a greeting from one planet to another


Tesla suggested that these aliens may have been from Mars, which at that time was the main culprit of everything related to aliens, perhaps these events significantly influenced the vector of studying Tesla's wireless technologies. Maybe he wanted to continue communicating with these creatures

Tesla device

Marconi also claimed a similar case.

While experimenting with wireless telegraphy, I came across an amazing phenomenon. The most striking thing is that I personally receive signals that, I believe, come from outer space outside our planet. I think it is quite possible that these signals could have been sent by the inhabitants of other planets to the inhabitants of Earth. If there are people on Mars, I wouldn't be surprised if they find means of communication with this planet. The connection of astronomy with the science of electricity can lead to almost anything

Marconi was speaking:

All these sensational confessions could not but arouse increased public interest, which quickly turned into a real stir. After reading the stories of Tesla and Marconi, another genius of his era, Thomas Edison, who was considered Tesla's "worst" competitor, became interested in "aliens from Mars".

While experimenting with wireless telegraphy, I came across an amazing phenomenon. The most striking thing is that I personally receive signals that, I believe, come from outer space outside our planet. I think it is quite possible that these signals could have been sent by the inhabitants of other planets to the inhabitants of Earth. If there are people on Mars, I wouldn't be surprised if they find means of communication with this planet. The connection of astronomy with the science of electricity can lead to almost anything

Edison declared:

Some time passed after the incident with the "alien conversation", and Tesla continued its development in the field of wireless technologies, and also built new antenna towers. There is an opinion that he did this in order to get in touch with an alien race, to receive messages from them.

Wardencliff Tower pictured in 1904

Wardencliff Tower pictured in 1904

One day my ear picked up what seemed to be regular signals. I knew they couldn't have been produced on Earth. Marconi's idea of communicating with other planets is the greatest and most fascinating problem facing the human imagination today. To succeed, it is necessary to organize a group of competent scientists who will study all possible plans and delight the best.

This question should probably be led by astronomers with sufficient support from people with money and imagination. If we assume that there are intelligent beings on Mars, success is quite possible. Of course, some planets are uninhabitable, while others are inhabited, and life must exist among them in all conditions and at all stages of development.

Personally, I base my belief on the weak planetary electrical disturbances that I discovered in the summer of 1899 and which, according to my research, could not be caused by the Sun, Moon or Venus. Further study of science convinced me that they must have come from Mars. All doubts on this score will soon be dispelled. I observed electrical actions that seemed inexplicable. No matter how weak and uncertain they were, they inspired me with a deep conviction and foresight that soon all people on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the heavenly firmament, with feelings of love and reverence, excited with joy

Tesla spoke with enthusiasm:

However, then something unknown happened, which is why Tesla abruptly abandoned these experiments. Coupled with the fact that after Tesla's death, the FBI confiscated most of his notes and personal diaries, all this looks very strange and mysterious. Despite all the mystery of the story described, it is worth understanding some things.

Firstly, the practical part of the use of radio waves was only being studied, there was no need to talk about some kind of systematization and ordering of radio broadcasts. What did Edison and Tesla take for conversations? Something shielded or just noise. The question remains, do not forget that Alexander Popov is considered to be the discoverer of the radio, and there is no information from him about extraneous noises from Mars. Returning to modern times, the question arises, why can't extraneous radio signals be identified now? They can and identify, the airs listen, check everything, and there are results, we will definitely write about it in the future. Looking ahead, let's say that there is a huge problem in identifying what we are currently receiving. But sooner or later, the situation will change, and contact will be established.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Nikola Tesla  Marconi  Edison  aliens  Mars  alien talk  messages  Alexander Popov

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