George Adamski – the interplanetary wanderer

George Adamski – the interplanetary wanderer

In 1952, contactee George Adamski took a photo of an alien scout ship. In this photo, the UFO is shown in the smallest detail, this has never happened before. Adamski, who claimed to have had contact with extraterrestrials, said he took this photo through a telescope, after one such contact.

In December 1952, a Polish immigrant, George Adamski, came into contact with an alien. This was not their first meeting. However, he became famous not because of communication with the "Venusians" (a race that is indistinguishable from humans, but lives on Venus), such contacts were reported earlier, but because he photographed their spaceship.

George Adamski UFO contactee flying saucer

Soon after, Adamski wrote a book about his contacts with the Venusians, and on the day of the book's release, the Argus edition (in Melbourne) came out with this article:


A book was written by an American who swears he met the man from the flying saucer has arrived on bookshelves.

The writer-philosopher, George Adamski, claims that an alien came out of a space scout ship, shaped like a saucer, and gave him a mysterious message for the people of Earth.

The alien turned out to be a friendly fellow, the author claims.

For an hour they “talked " telepathically about the universe, and he touched the alien's hand. The alien landed in the California desert, and according to Adamski took seven schnapps on his ship. However, the alien did not allow him to take a picture of himself.

Flying Saucer Adamski

In a soft, musical voice, he informed Adamsky that he had come from Venus, whose inhabitants were now worried about the atomic “boom” that had begun on Earth. Adamski also reports on another meeting, on December 13, when an alien handed him a strange photographic saucer and a symbolic message, which experts are still trying in vain to translate – it takes about 50 pages.

People like us live on other planets. They visit the Earth.They don't land in densely populated areas because they are afraid of being subjected to violence. They believe in the Creator.

Adamski says that the Venusian confessed to him:

Adamski became known as a "contactee" – a person who knows how to make contact with aliens, but his book and the world-famous photo brought him not only fame but also brought down an incredible stream of criticism on him.

Scout ship

Adamski's first encounter with extraterrestrials occurred in 1946, during a meteor shower. It was an October evening when he and a few other witnesses saw a cigar-shaped spaceship fly right across the moon.

In 1950, Adamski took a photo that showed six UFOs flying in a certain formation. This photo has been used in a number of well-known publications and on the covers of magazines.

UFO sightings, cigar-shaped UFO

In 1952, Adamski's closest contact with a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization occurred. Adamski was with friends on a picnic in the Mojave Desert (California). Suddenly, they noticed a cigar-shaped object in the sky, being chased by fighter jets. Another one, silvery and disc-shaped, separated from it and landed on the ground at a distance of 0.5 kilometers from the witnesses. Adamski went to the ship and met with a Venusian named “Orton”, who made direct contact with him, through telepathy. The alien warned Adamski about the danger of nuclear war. Although Orton did not allow himself to be photographed, Adamski managed to take a famous photo of the Scout Ship when Orton returned, a few weeks later.

George Adamski wrote several books, became a very popular man, and was received by many very famous and important people, including Queen Julianna of the Netherlands and (according to Adamski himself) Pope John XXIII, who presented him with the Gold Medal of Honor for his services in mediating between humanity and extraterrestrials.

Adamski later claimed to have made several trips with the Venusians through the solar system, communicating with other alien races. This conglomerate of races he called the "Cosmic Brotherhood."

Critics say: "ADAMSKI is A FRAUD!”

Adamski, of course, had his critics. And criticism poured in like a cornucopia when he published a close-up photo of the Scout Ship. The main criticism concerned the way Adamsky took the photo. He used a Kodak Brownie and a six-inch telescope. Adamski described the process of photographing as very time-consuming, which requires a lot of precise manipulation. At the same time, it is almost impossible to avoid small fluctuations, which means that it is impossible to achieve a completely clear image.

Then, the object itself raises doubts. Many felt that the spaceship was too much like some object made up of ordinary household elements: a lampshade, tennis balls, the top of an ice generator, a lantern ... the list goes on.

One of Adamski's colleagues even claimed to have directly seen one of the mockups that Adamski used to fake the photo.

Nevertheless, there were many experts who said that if the photo was faked, it was the best fake they had ever seen.

Adamski photo flying saucer

Adamski died of a heart attack in Maryland, in 1965, at the age of 74. Regardless of whether he was a fraudster or not, he is still remembered as the most famous contactee of the 1950s. Even if his stories were mere fiction, they still had a deep meaning. Adamski warned of the danger of an arms race, in an age when humanity has acquired nuclear warheads.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

George Adamski  UFO  1952  Venusians  flying saucer  aliens  contactee  cigar-shaped

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