UFO Disclosure. Helping the USA

Helping to Uncover UFOs. Our help to the USA

We will continue to assist the Americans in exposing the alien presence. At the same time, we will use only official American documents for the time being. Most of them have already been published or cited in foreign sources. I will refer you to copies of the originals, i.e. the primary sources available.


To help the US National Archive, which regularly responds that it has no documents on this topic, and little-informed ufologists, I recommend another American source that contains them in sufficient quantity.

The current number of pages of government documents in the "Black Vault": 2,932,922. It is the world's largest private online repository of declassified government documents.

Every page, photo, and video in this "FOIA Document Archive" was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other means of accessing public information of the US government.

What's the use? Can you find something in three million pages without clear navigation?

And one would have to be a great conspiracy theorist to assume that several million pages, mostly hand-printed on typewriters, besides declassified as a result of a long battle with the fighters for disclosure of information, are intended only for disinformation of their own citizens and foreign governments.

A normal person will definitely not understand this.  But I will help.

Here is a list of some documents with brief content (although the full one is also available).

They include extraterrestrial vehicles and technologies, extraterrestrials, references to the incident in Roswell (there are more than 2000 documents on this incident alone), MJ12 personalities.

Roswell ufo document

 Here is one of the first documents of MJ-12

The third in the list (see above) is the James Forrestal. At that time, the US Secretary of the Navy. He is the first victim of the deep government. The attempt to share information cost him his life.

At that time, among his talkative colleagues, it was customary to throw out of the windows. After the first group, the number of people willing to disclose decreased. The entire report, of course, is also there (as well as full-text copies of all the documents listed below). In the form of copies of all sheets.

For the objectivity of the assessment, I will explain.

The FBI website has copies of the MJ-12 documents, which state that " the Majestic 12 group was created by a secret decree of President Truman on September 24, 1947, on the recommendation of Dr. Vannevar Bush."

At the same time, the US government still denies the existence of the MJ-12 and insists that the documents proving its existence are fake.

The FBI examined the documents and came to the conclusion that they are fake. It is clear that the FBI, as a government organization, listens to the opinion of its government. It is possible that after the expected report, the opinion of both the government and the FBI will change. I do not insist on anything, but I will describe the brief content of the document. In the context of hundreds of other documents, it looks convincing.

Operation Majestic-12 is a top secret scientific/intelligence operation under the direct and sole authority of the President of the United States. Work on the project is being conducted under the supervision of the Majestic-12 Group, which was established by special secret order of President Truman on September 24, 1947, on the recommendation of Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary of War James Forrestal.

Information about the operation

Group composition

The composition of the Majestic-12 group

After the death of Secretary Forrestal on May 22, 1949, his seat remained vacant until August 1, 1950, when General Walter B. Smith was appointed a permanent member of the group.

James ForrestalUnited States Secretary of the Navy and the first Secretary of Defense of the United States (September 17, 1947-March 28, 1949).

Among the possible killers of Forrestal, there was a wide range of candidates: from Soviet agents to people of the US government, which did not want to allow them to disclose information about UFOs. On this occasion, in 1994, the film "UFO: A cover Operation" / "Roswell" was shot.

Vannevar Bush

Vannevar Bush

Vannevar Bush is a legendary figure in the development of new types of weapons during the Second World War. The mere mention of Bush in connection with UFOs meant that this question deserves the greatest attention because a person of such a scientific scale and such an occupation as Bush could afford to be interested in flying saucers only if there were not only piles of reports of observations of something mysterious, but also something concrete that was available for feeling and research.

"In the United States of America," writes the head of the Manhattan Project, General Leslie Groves, " all wartime scientific work was carried out under the supervision of the Office of Research and Development, headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. This organization covered all the research workers, engineers, and scientists of the country."


According to reports, by 2000, the MJ-12 had 36 members. This may not be accurate, and it is not essential. It is important that, in fact, these are the most informed people on the entire range of issues related to IP, exopolitics, and reverse engineering.

But these are still people, and some of them, before leaving for another world, told what is now called the main question of humanity. And with facts and details that even Hollywood producers did not dream of.

If, thanks to the courtesy topwar.ru if we get to the tenth post, then the eleventh will be about this.

Doubly secret

Then there are several other once top-secret documents.

Memo to George Marshall from Roosevelt, February 27, 1942.

This is a memorandum that connects the UFO crash with the air raid on Los Angeles in 1942 since it occurred only three days earlier. He hints at "atomic secrets extracted from the study of celestial devices" and allows " Dr. Bush to proceed with the project without further delay."

George C. Marshall to Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 5, 1942.

George C. Marshall to Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 5, 1942.

Regarding the air raid on Los Angeles, the Army has learned that Rear Admiral Anderson has discovered an unidentified flying object off the coast of California ,' without any relation to the generally accepted explanation'…
The headquarters came to the conclusion that the mysterious planes are not actually terrestrial and, according to secret intelligence sources, they, in all probability, have an interplanetary origin.

On March 5, 1942, George C. Marshall writes a top-secret note to the president stating :

As a consequence, I have ordered the army to create a special intelligence unit to further investigate this phenomenon and report any significant connection between the recent incidents and the incidents collected by the Director of the Information Coordinator's office

Marshall continues:

A note by Franklin D. Roosevelt on unearthly sciences and technologies, February 22, 1944.

February 22, 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a" doubly "top secret note (with an additional stamp of Special importance) for the "Special Committee on Extraterrestrial Science and Technology".

Special Committee on Extraterrestrial Science and Technology

Copy and restored readable text

Both the name and the content clearly hint at extraterrestrial life, the first part uses the word "extraterrestrial", and the second part talks about "understanding the reality that our planet is not the only one inhabited by intelligent life in the Universe".

It is clear that the situation was such that by that time we had restored at least one ship, probably the accident at Cape Girardeau in 1941, and came to understand the wealth of technologies that lay there for collection.

The quote

Judging by the contents of the document, Dr. Bush presented the president with a proposal from the Committee on the Use of " unearthly Know-how " in military operations, but Roosevelt believed that this would jeopardize the atomic bomb program.

We will take advantage of all the advantages of such miracles that came to us" after we won the war

Roosevelt carefully avoids saying "no", but says that we are.

Experts requested copies of similar correspondence from the Roosevelt Library to compare the format and typography. The signature is consistent with other authentic signatures.

The Oppenheimer-Einstein Report, June 1947.

This six-page document entitled "Relations with the inhabitants of celestial bodies" is the first document in which the phrase "extraterrestrial biological entities" or VBS is used. It says that the presence of unidentified spacecraft is considered de facto military-and this is dated June 1947.

We discussed this document in the first part. Next, I will not upload the article with archived images.

Field order on the interplanetary phenomenon, July 4, 1947.

This one-page order instructs the Responsible Officer (OIC) to deliver a counterintelligence team to the UFO crash site and report to G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field, New Mexico, which, of course, is Roswell. The OIC must take a non-commissioned officer, an aviation engineer, a scientist, a security officer, and a doctor with it and submit a report by July 28.

Vannevar Bush's letter to President Truman dated July 5, 1947.

On July 5, 1947, possibly as a result of the events in New Mexico, Vannevar Bush writes Truman a memo summarizing the status of previous investigations.

The letter also has "OK" and the signature of Harry Truman.

This letter is stamped with a well-known authentic" original " stamp and was probably made on a special typewriter because of the uniformity of the distance between the letters.

Aviation Accident report, July 16, 1947.

This three-page bureaucratic report gives the first idea of an aviation accident. General Twining, apparently, describes in detail the interior of the "flying disk".

Everything from the typewriter-like keys that control the propulsion system to the three-inch doughnut-shaped tube thirty-five feet long inside the ship is filled with a transparent substance...

The quote

Twining, engineers from the T-3 engineering division, scientific staff from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and other educated experts report that the object was not manufactured in the USA, Germany, or Russia for a number of reasons, including; the absence of any known similarity of the design, the absence of an external propulsion system and power plant, and the absence of identification marks and/or numbers.

Experts unsuccessfully built theories about how the device is activated, how it moves, and how and from where it is controlled.

The inability of experts to prove that the object can be created in any of the advanced technological societies on earth is intriguing and makes you think.

The significance and consistency of the technical content were not evaluated, although it is clear that the writing corresponds to the state of the art of 1947, and not to modernity.

Report of the Counterintelligence Corps / Interplanetary Phenomena Unit, July 22, 1947

This seven-page document of the Department of Interplanetary Phenomena begins with the words " ... the extraordinary discovery of fallen aircraft in the state of New Mexico in the period from July 4 to July 6, 1947."

The quote

This is a topic. And it shows the coordinates and other fascinating details of recovery operations and discoveries. The most interesting of these is the discovery and basic detailed appearance of several bodies that were taken to the hospital at Roswell AAF and other nearby hospitals (listed but not disclosed for security reasons). The conclusion reached by the group of experts was unclear due to the limitations of modern science and the corresponding budgets for future research.

Analytical report on the "flying saucer", September 2, 1947.

This two-page top-secret report (MAJIC Eyes Only) to General S. P. Cabell and the Commander of the Aircraft Command from the Research Laboratory is dated September 2, 1947. It gives a reliable idea of the problems faced by the first analytical group that studied the real destroyed extraterrestrial equipment.

some nation has reached a stage of flight development at which existing ideas are completely outdated" and "the lack of riveting and overlapping surfaces indicates a "simplified" concept that puts our technology in line" with "a careful and thoughtful compromise in terms of weight, aerodynamic perfection and design".
A general description of the flying saucer is presented, including a number of historically accurate metallurgical tests conducted by AISI.

Here are a few quotes:

Twining "White Hot" Report: Assessment of the expedition of discovered lenticular flying objects, September 19, 1947.

No one may distribute the information contained in this report or transmit it to any unauthorized person without the special permission of the President...

The quote:

The White Hot Report is a 19-page document dated September 19, 1947, and signed on September 24, 1947.

In 1947, several reports of individual pilots were published with various details that make each meeting a unique part of a single whole.

In this particular year, sightings were reported: "not only in the United States but also in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Paraguay, Scandinavia, Greece, as well as from ships at sea." In this report on the unidentified remains of the crash, many interesting and provocative details were recorded, studied by secret groups of experts.

The document is divided into several sections that specifically address the issues: preliminary intelligence assessment, technical assessment, scientific probabilities, political considerations, and the structure of national security.

According to preliminary estimates, experts suggest that "unidentified lenticular aerodynamic elements with a conventional wing, fuselage, nacelle, control systems, and fuel" are not only alien to the technology of the United States but are unlikely to belong to Russia. The design of the device was hardly designed to work in the Earth's atmosphere.

Several bodies were found along with the crash materials, their existence and death are as mysterious as the cause of the crash itself. More interesting than these basic facts are the evidence suggesting "a symbiotic relationship between the operator and the functions performed by the aircraft".

This particular government document contains a lot of factual information related to the search and evaluation of evidence collected from the discovered exhibits: which experts from 11 organizations ("AMC, ASP, NEAP, ACE, ONR, NACKA, JED, RAND, USAF, SAG, and MIT) consider extraterrestrial in nature."

The White Hot report not only covers the actual evidence of the search but also sheds light on a number of conceptual problems related to politics, national security, nuclear weapons, as well as the reasons why knowledge of this kind remains out of the reach of the public indefinitely.

Secretary of State George C. Marshall to Karl Humelsin, September 27, 1947.

On September 27, 1947, George Marshall wrote to his executive secretary, Karl Humelsein, about the tragic consequences if the current rumors about the events in New Mexico were revealed to the public.

Unidentified aerial observations over the United States", intelligence assessment, September 30, 1947.

This presidential briefing is an intelligence assessment from September 30, 1947, entitled "Unidentified Aircraft over the United States". Prepared by the US Coordinating Committee for Special Research and Evaluation, together with the US Armed Forces and the Office of National Assessments of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The six pages of "Top Secret, for visual reference only" cover the main elements of information.

The main headings are assessments of Soviet capabilities, assessment of internal capabilities, assessment of the situation, assessments of interplanetary capabilities, and conclusions. Assessing the situation and interplanetary capabilities is a very interesting read.

It is handwritten at the bottom that this is the best available version.
And then (as experts believe) by the hand of Harry Truman:
"I want the director of the NSA to have this for the future. October 24, 1952"

The quote:

And that's not all.

Some enthusiasts tried to somehow systematize or facilitate the search in the available database of declassified documents on UFOs.

So, there are several available collections with photos and drawings of "unearthly flying machines". Their value lies in the fact that they are verified by experts of the CIA and other agencies and are usually accompanied by descriptions and assessments. All these are quite ancient photos and their quality is even worse than the originals due to photocopying.

unearthly flying machines

UFO report

UFO sightings

The latest ones have not yet appeared in the public domain, but some congressmen and representatives of the US governments claim that there were good-quality photos in the secret certificates that were provided to them.


Summing up, I would like to note that the new UFO report did not reveal any big secrets, like the previous reports. Moreover, the old reports were more informative and interesting. It is important for us to realize and understand what are technical means, and what are creatures and natural phenomena. Soon we will upload translations of interviews of Russian pilots about meeting with UFOs on their duties. The information content will be much more. Follow the news of the channel and subscribe to our Boosty channel.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Majestic 12  disclosure  USA  UFOs  FBI  UFO crash

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