Adam's Calendar: 300,000-year-old Alien Base in Africa

Adam's Calendar: 300,000-year-old Alien Base in Africa

The Adam Calendar, which is probably the oldest man-made structure in existence today, was discovered in 2003 by accident. Johan Heine, a South African pilot, was flying over the Mpumalanga region, a hilly area in the east of the country when he lost control of his plane.

Forced to make an unplanned landing, he crashed into a mountainside. By a miracle, Heine was not injured and, getting out of the plane, saw three monoliths in front of him. These huge stones, weighing about 5 metric tons each, stuck out of the ground. And next to them was a giant circle made of stone.

This place is located in an extremely remote location, access to it is limited by several rough roads covered with mud. If the pilot had not made an emergency landing and made this discovery, then, most likely, it would have remained hidden to this day. But what Heine found was really unusual. The megalithic site turned out to be a truly ancient stone complex, and in recognition of its extreme antiquity, it was given the name "Adam's Calendar".

The Adam calendar

What the pilot discovered turned out to be the oldest artificial structure ever discovered. Some theories date its construction to 300,000 years ago, which is much earlier than any other evidence of human civilization. If the monument is really so ancient that it rewrites the history of mankind and almost certainly requires the participation of complex human civilization in its construction. Taking this as a starting point, some suggest that aliens are involved in its construction.

The Adam calendar alien base

The object consists of an outer stone circle with a diameter of about 30 meters. Inside the circle, there are several monoliths arranged in a complex pattern. The general layout of the place seems to have been built according to astronomical alignment, which makes this place a kind of calendar.

alien base in Africa

Around this place, there are other structures and stone circles that are built with complementary alignment, connected by a series of channels. Researchers believe that these channels are rough roads providing access to Adam's Calendar. These channels connect not only Adam's Calendar but also many other ruins and antiquities in the surrounding landscape.

In the center of the circle are two vertical stones with carvings on them. These stones, like most of the other building materials, apparently were brought from afar. The original shape of this monument is still visible in aerial photographs, although not immediately noticeable at ground level.

alien base in Africa

The use of these materials and the obvious requirement to view the object from the air once again suggest that people did not take part in its construction. But if people did not take part in the construction of this object, created long before the advent of civilization, then why was the object built by aliens here?

One of the potentially important points is that the area around Adam's Calendar is quite rich in resources. Mining mines dot the landscape, and even today the richest mine in the world is located in Mpumalanga, namely. Perhaps these were valuable resources for the one who created the calendar.

alien base in Africa

This calendar works great today because it allows people to keep track of the time of day and year by the shadow of the setting sun. The shadow of the sun is cast by the taller monolith through the center of the flat stone next to it.

The scheme of alien base

This accidental discovery by Johan Heine did not arouse much interest in the archaeological community. It took another six years from the discovery to the start of archaeological research on the site in 2009. By that time, Heine had conducted his own research of this place. His early research showed that the configuration of the stones has four cardinal directions pointing to the solstices and equinoxes, similar to Stonehenge.

alien base in Africa

Geological studies, the processes of erosion of stones, as well as the growth of lichens around the stones, helped scientists to calculate the estimated age of this object. According to initial estimates obtained from some sources, the age of this calendar may be 75,000, 200,000, or as much as 300,000 years.

Research has also revealed the sound frequencies that rock formations send to the Earth beneath them. As technology developed, scientists successfully worked on detecting sound frequencies and measured all their acoustic properties.

The scheme of alien base

These frequencies have been traced to the ground located under the territory of the stone circles. This has led to the astounding theory that these stones also conduct electricity, albeit in a way that is incomprehensible to us. The sound frequencies from the earth inside these stones form resonating flower shapes, representing a form of sacred geometry in the landscape. Writer Michael Tellinger believes that this place is the oldest of all man-made structures, presumably created by a vanished civilization.

alien buildings

It would seem that this should have interested modern science, but this could only happen if science was a science, and not a collection of people working to maintain falsely created and promoted into society "teachings and obvious knowledge". Therefore, science did not study anything, but declared (fanfare) these ancient structures as cattle pens! And science doesn't care that they were created when, according to the assurances of science itself, there were no organized human communities, and it doesn't matter that the structure itself is too complex for a banal pen. Science said - a pen, so - a pen. People still have a lot to understand about Adam's Calendar. With this in mind, historians, researchers, and real scientists do not stop their efforts to uncover the deepest secrets hidden in this place.

If this is a cattle pen, then why is it so difficult to build? If this is an ancient calendar, then who built it just 15,000 years after the existence of Homo Sapiens became known? Serious research is currently underway to determine the civilization that built it. After that, researchers will be able to continue studying how this civilization lived and survived in this region in the distant past. However, it seems to me that even if something is discovered that proves that this "calendar" was built by aliens or a highly developed (human) civilization, people are unlikely to find out about it...

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

alien  alien base  Africa  calendar  conspiracy  conspiracy theory  Mpumalanga

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