The CIA veteran called a conference and spoke about the cooperation of the US authorities and aliens. A story about the past and the future of mankind

The CIA veteran called a conference and talked about the cooperation between the US authorities and extraterrestrials. A story about the past and the future of humanity

 Are we just an experiment?

Meet - Davey Shawn. This man is over 80 years old. In his entire life, he has never profited from gossip and other nonsense. The American was in the ranks of intelligence for more than 35 years, and then worked as a private detective. In 2019, he learned that he had an incurable form of cancer. This prompted the man to break his vow of silence.

In June 2019, Davey convened a conference where he presented his report on the relationship between extraterrestrials and the US government. According to him, the first contact with extraterrestrial beings of humanoid type occurred in the 1940s. The original purpose of the aliens was to study intelligent species of earthlings. During those years, many cats and dogs disappeared from their owners. The police even introduced the term "animal boom", since every second appeal was somehow connected with the loss of pets. However, later the aliens offered the US authorities a deal – the Americans received some technologies, and in return the aliens could take people for their experiments and experiments.

Alien abduction

From 1940 to 1971, about 12,000 Americans went to the police because of alien violence. Davey Shawn is sure that if you do mass regressive hypnosis, it will become obvious that about one in twelve Americans who lived during this period encountered the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations. They usually took cerebrospinal fluid, blood, lymph, cells for reproduction, and there was also an introduction to the thoughts and subconscious of their subjects.

According to a former CIA officer, Earth is viewed as a donor planet, similar to an experimental mouse aquarium on a universal scale. It is believed that other civilizations exist in another dimension, and what we observe in space are merely other 'aquariums.' The success of the Earth experiment has led to the belief that aliens do not engage in open confrontation, but rather focus on raising intelligent slaves for themselves. Davey Shawn believes that extraterrestrial civilizations have achieved significant technological development, but not everything can be replaced by artificial intelligence.

Since the 1940s, the US military has constantly adjusted the list of biological materials that could be harmful to extraterrestrial life. Military conflicts around the world have been interpreted as serving the interests of extraterrestrial civilizations. Throughout history, various groups including Armenians, Gypsies, Jews, Asians, Arabs, and Slavs have been subjected to genocide and extermination. According to a CIA veteran, this paints a clear picture. There is a belief that the United States is leading an effort to establish a new world order in the Anglo-Saxon world, but China and Russia pose a threat to these plans. The United States is cautious about engaging in open confrontation with these countries, as they are being restrained by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The use of nuclear weapons would be detrimental to one of the most successful experiments.

In addition, Davey Shawn said that almost all ancient civilizations were helped by aliens. They gave mathematics, astronomy, medicine, metallurgy and many other knowledge that led to the inevitable development of civilizations. However, 3-5 thousand years ago, when the states were mired in barbarism, wars, gluttony, sodomy and greed, the Earth project was on the verge of destruction. It seemed that the removal of such people was dangerous, massive adjustments were made. Some civilizations have sunk into oblivion. Many of the knowledge was lost, but humanity did not die out.

According to a former CIA officer, if anyone is able to save the Earth from a new world order led by extraterrestrial civilizations, it is Russia and China. The Americans will not be able to defeat this alliance even with the support of aliens. China cannot be strangled economically, and Russia cannot be strangled militarily. So, Earthlings have a unique chance to stop being puppet dolls and become a free, equal civilization on a universal scale.

It can be challenging to accept such statements. While we may consider the universal scope and view ourselves as mere mice in an aquarium, it is important to remain objective. Upon observing the administration of the US president, it appears that they do not have any extraterrestrial mentors.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

cia  aliens  1940  1971  2019  abduction  conspiracy

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