Real UFO sighting 2020. Flying saucer from anomalous zone!

Real UFO sighting 2020. A flying saucer from anomalous zone!

This video was recorded during our fall 2020 expedition and features a flying saucer. The authenticity of the recording is confirmed.

The flying saucer shape of the UFO, which I initially considered outdated, has proven to be a relevant and advanced technology in present times. Our team conducted a thorough analysis of a UFO, which I personally observed and documented through a schematic reproduction and video recording. The flying saucer shape of the UFO, which I initially considered outdated, has proven to be a relevant and advanced technology in present times. The flying saucer shape of the UFO, which I initially considered outdated, has proven to be a relevant and advanced technology in present times.

Watch our video and see for yourself. Coordinates of the location on the flight radar and time,39.59 / 10

Real flying saucer

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO  ufo sightings  flying saucer  2020  ufo caught on camera  unidentified flying object  unidentified flying objects

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