Martian theories from the past

Martian theories from the past

An equally amazing story was published during the events of 1897 by the Houston Post newspaper:

I read in the weekly the opinion of a professor of astronomy that the airship, about which so much is written, flew from the planet Mars. We have an old sailor living in El Campo with his daughter, who claims that he actually saw not only a ship, but also people from another planet.

His close relatives have known about it for a long time, but, according to him, this story has never appeared in print. The old gentleman's name is Mr. Oleson; he served for many years as a boatswain in the Danish Navy, but in those days when he saw the ship, he held the position of assistant captain of the Danish brig Christina


In September 1962, the Christina was shipwrecked in the Indian Ocean, crashing near a bare rock — an island several miles in size. This rock is marked on nautical charts, but is not mentioned by geographers.The violent storm raged for hours, and the ship was carried far from its course when this huge rock appeared in front of them in the midst of the deafening crash.A huge wave carried Mr. Oleson high on the rocks, and for a considerable time he was unconscious. When he woke up, he found that five of his comrades had also escaped, although they had suffered to a greater or lesser extent; one of them died of wounds.
They discussed their situation and realized that they were in danger of starvation — there was not the slightest trace of vegetation or animal life on the rock.

They found only a sufficient amount of fresh water in the crevices, which restored their strength well.The sailors lost all hope and gathered at the foot of the cliff in anticipation of the terrible end under the howling of the wind and the furious onslaught of waves crashing on the rock.Suddenly, another terrifying sight was added to this picture. High in the air they saw something like a huge ship that had lost control. It flew straight at the frightened sailors, who screamed at the top of their voices in despair.

Fortunately, a gust of wind changed the course of the hulk; it crashed on a cliff five hundred feet from the unfortunate sailors.Speechless with fear, they trudged to the crash site. This ship looked as big as a modern warship, but its machines were smashed so that they could not even imagine how the energy was transferred to the giant wings or sails — they clearly saw that the ship was moving with the help of four huge wings.

All the strange devices and devices were mixed into an almost shapeless mass. Subsequently, they found delicious, quite edible food in metal boxes covered with strange inscriptions, and it, together with water from the crevices, saved them from imminent death.But their horror intensified when they found the bodies of more than a dozen people dressed in clothes of a strange style, made of a strange fabric. The bodies were dark bronze in color, but the most unusual thing was their huge size. The sailors had nothing with which to measure these bodies, but they looked more than 12 feet tall. Their hair and beards were as long, soft and silky as a baby's hair. The sailors found a variety of tools, but they turned out to be so large that almost nothing could be used.

They were numb with fear, and one of the sailors, seized with madness, threw himself off the cliff into the raging waves and disappeared into them.The rest fled in panic from the ominous sight; only two days later hunger forced them to return to the wreck site.After eating with an appetite of strange food, the sailors gathered their courage, dragged the bodies of the giants to the cliff and threw them down. Then, with feverish haste, they built a raft from these fragments, hoisted the sails and happily left the terrible island.

By that time, the ocean had become calm as a pond, and experienced sailors were walking at a good speed. They tried to do everything possible to keep heading for the island of Vergulen (Kerguelen? — M. G.), but fortunately, about 60 hours later we met a Russian ship bound for Australia. Three companions of the old sailor died of wounds and terrible mental stress before reaching the port.Fortunately, Mr. Oleson removed a huge ring from the finger of one of the bodies, which partly confirms the truth of his story.

It was made of a metal alloy unknown to any jeweler; two reddish stones were embedded in it, and no one who had ever examined it could tell what the stones were called. The ring removed from the owner's thumb was two inches in diameter.Nowadays, many people consider stories about an airship to be fictions, Maybe it is, but the story told now for the first time is definitely true. Although Mr. Oleson is old, he is still in his right mind and is highly respected for his honesty and truthfulness. Many of our most worthy citizens, including Mr. Henry Khan, Mr. H.-S. Carlton of Green Hill and S. Porter, have seen the ring and heard this story from Oleson.

Sincerely yours, John Leander

El Campo, Texas, April 29

According to ufologist Jerome Clark, "nothing in this story is plausible. It has all the hallmarks of nineteenth-century adventure fiction." Swedish writer Sven Rosen noticed that in Scandinavian folklore trolls, also depicted as giants, allegedly also died during a storm; their strange bodies were found on the shore when the bad weather ended. It seems that Leander ("Oleson" could not exist at all) combined fresh stories about "airships" with old beliefs and thus created an original fiction.

Kerome Clark - ufologist

Jerome Clark

Hoaxes with a "Martian" bias have been arranged before. One of the most elaborate hoaxes occurred in the summer of 1864, causing such a fuss that the annual "L'annee Scieritifique" had to devote several pages to an article warning the public about the deception.

On June 17, 1864, the French newspaper "Le Pays" published an article "Inhabitant of the planet Mars". It said that Paxton, a "wealthy landowner from the state of Colorado," decided to check whether there was oil on his property. One morning, workers stumbled upon a layer of strange material, and "the most famous geologist from Pittsburgh," Charles Davis, insisted on excavating it. Fifteen days later, the upper part of a huge meteorite appeared in the light.

A group of scientists, after examining it, decided to drill a well. The drill fell into the cavity. When the hole was widened, Davis and the son of the owner of the site, John Paxton, climbed inside. They took out a strange amphora and said that a metal plate covers the bottom of the cavity. A few days later, when the slab was broken down, a rectangular room with a petrified body about 1.2 meters tall turned out to be under it.

The mummy was taken out and carefully examined. Her skull was hairless, triangular in shape. There was no nose, but something like a trunk protruded from the forehead. A tiny mouth and very long arms completed the picture. A silver plate with a diagram of the Solar System was found near the mummy. The planet Mars was marked by a large spot, which allegedly unambiguously spoke about the origin of the meteorite.

It soon became clear that the author of the article in "Le Pays" was the writer of science fiction works Francois-Henri Puidefer de Parville. This did not prevent the author of "the duck" from earning extra money on his imagination once again, publishing in 1865 a book with the same plot and under the same title — "Inhabitant of the planet Mars".

The de Parville hoax was so successful that even decades later it was constantly "launched" in other countries. On October 13 and 14, 1877, the Argentine newspaper "La Capital" placed a "meteorite" with a "mummy of an alien" on the bank of the Argentine river Carquerana.

It was examined by two geologists — "John Paxton and Charles Davis".

To help with the work related to the upcoming study, we hired a local guy, Jesus Villegas. A careful examination of the stone block showed that there are numerous cracks on it, as well as depressions with a rough surface — apparently in those places where large pieces of material were broken off. The undamaged part of the find was covered with a smooth and shiny crust resembling black enamel. The thickness of the crust ranged from 8 to 20 centimeters.

— the author wrote

Then everything repeats itself: the discovery of a chamber in which there was "an amphora-like vessel made of white metal, similar to silver or zinc, with numerous holes and incomprehensible images on the surface," a plate covering another chamber, and the mummy of a Martian in it.

The body of a Martian found in a meteorite

The body of a Martian found in a meteorite

Other versions of the hoax were published in the Mexican newspaper "El Defensor de la Constitution", the Peruvian "South Pacific Times" and the Argentine "El Constitutional" for the years 1878-1879.

A year and a half after the first success of the de Parville story, on October 19, 1865, a note appeared in the Missouri Democrat newspaper with a three-story headline: "An amazing story. — Meteor shower. — Dishes falling from the sky":

"Mr. James Lumley, an elderly hunter from the Rocky Mountains, who stayed at Everett House for a few days, told us a very amazing story, which, if true, will cause the greatest excitement in the scientific world.

Lumley said that sometime in mid-September he was hunting in the mountains about 75-100 miles from the Great Falls on the Upper Missouri, near Cadotte Pass. One evening, after sunset, he saw a brightly glowing body in the sky, flying with great speed in an easterly direction. He had been watching it for at least five seconds when it suddenly fell apart, resembling, in Lumley's words, "the explosion of a rocket with fireworks." A few minutes later, he heard a powerful explosion that shook the ground perceptibly; after it came an intermittent sound, like a tornado crashing through the forest. Almost immediately, a strong wind came, which suddenly subsided. The air was filled with a strange sulfurous smell.

Lumley was not particularly impressed by all this. However, the next day, at a distance of about two miles from the place where he was located, Mr. Lumley came across a huge clearing plowed through the forest. Huge trees were uprooted and broken at the very ground, the tops of the hills were cut clean, the ground was dug up in many places. There were traces of terrible destruction everywhere. Following the strip of devastation, he soon established its cause. It was a giant rock that crashed into the side of the mountain.

The most amazing part of its history is the examination of the stone, which was divided into compartments. In several places it was covered with hieroglyphs. Lumley also found fragments of a substance resembling glass; here and there were dark spots, as if left by liquid. He is sure that the hieroglyphs are the work of human hands and that this stone is part of a giant body that was used for some purpose by intelligent beings.

Strange as this story may seem, Mr. Lumley told it with such sincerity that we were forced to consider it true. Obviously, the rock he found is part of a meteor that was seen in September. He is remembered in Leavenworth and Galena, and in our city — Colonel Benneville. Near Leavenworth, the rock broke apart and exploded."

Astronomers have long believed that celestial bodies can be inhabited — even comets and, perhaps, meteors. Meteors can be used by the inhabitants of other planets as a vehicle for space exploration, perhaps in the future some Columbians from Mercury or Uranus will land on our planet in their meteor crews and take possession of it, as the Spanish navigators did with the New World in 1492, and, in the end, will drive the so-called humanity into a state of the most abject slavery. There must be races superior to us somewhere, and perhaps in the future they will manifest themselves in this way."

This article made a lot of noise in those days. On October 30, 1865, she appeared in the newspaper "The Cincinnati Commercial", and on November 15 she crossed the border: she was published by the newspaper of the Canadian province of Ontario "British Daily Whig".

However, it is just a reworking of the de Parville hoax with the replacement of the "fossil meteorite" with "just fallen". The fact that the article does not mention any little men in the meteorite chambers may be explained by the fact that its author did not want too much similarity with the already exposed "newspaper duck".

Perhaps the only American story of those years, which has no analogues either in fiction or among the exposed hoaxes, occurred on June 6, 1884 in Nebraska. A group of cowboys saw a flaming body that fell near the towns of Holdredge and Benkelman, and the brave guys with colts hurried to the crash site. The newspaper of the neighboring town of Lincoln told about what happened next:

Yesterday, 35 miles northwest of us at about one o'clock in the afternoon, an interesting phenomenon occurred. The famous rancher John Ellis went to his herd in the company of three shepherds and several other cowboys hired for the annual branding. Riding along the ravine, they heard a terrible, roaring, growing sound coming from above. Looking up, they saw something like a blazing meteor of incredible magnitude falling at an angle to the earth. A moment later, he crashed into the ground out of their line of sight, on the other side of the cliff. Climbing a steep hill, they saw that the object crashed to the ground half a mile away and, bouncing off it, fell into another ravine. Rushing there with all possible speed, they were surprised to see several fragments of gears and other pieces of machinery scattered along the path made by the air alien. The blazing heat from the debris was such that the grass burned out for a long distance around these fragments and there was no way to get close to them.

Approaching the edge of a deep ravine where a strange object had fallen, they tried to see what was there. However, the heat was so strong that the air near the ravine did not light up, and the radiance emitted by the object was so dazzling that the eye could not look at it for more than one moment. An idea of the heat can be obtained from the fact that one member of the group, a cowboy named Alf Williamson, recklessly stood up so that his head was exposed to heat over a cliff, and in less than half a minute fell unconscious. His face was badly blistered, burned, and his singed hair was scattered. They say that he is in a serious condition now. The distance to the meteorite, or whatever it was, was almost 200 feet. The burned man was brought to Mr. Ellis's house, taking care of him as well as circumstances allowed, and a doctor was sent for. His brother, who lives in Denver, was recently informed about the incident by telegraph.

Finding that it was impossible to approach the mysterious alien, the group went back along the trail left by him. Where the object first touched the ground, the soil was sandy, almost without grass. The sand there was melted to an unknown depth in a strip about twenty feet wide and 80 feet long; the molten mass was still bubbling and hissing. Between this spot and the final resting place there were several other, similar spots where the object touched the ground, but none was so distinct.

This morning, the crash site was visited again. Among those who came there was the district fire inspector E. W. Rawlings, who came to Benkelman at night and from whom we received full confirmation of the details of what we saw. Small pieces of scattered mechanisms had cooled down so much that it was possible to approach them, but not to pick them up. One piece, about 16 inches wide, three inches thick and 3.5 feet long, which looked like a propeller blade made of metal resembling brass in appearance, was picked up with a shovel. It weighed no more than five pounds, but it looked as strong and dense as any known metal. In the same way, a fragment of a wheel with a milled rim was lifted, which, apparently, had previously been 7-8 feet in diameter. The piece seemed to be made of the same material and had the same remarkable lightness.

The meteorite, or whatever it was, was cylindrical, 50-60 feet long and 10-12 feet in diameter. There was a lot of activity around, the branding was postponed; the cowboys waited until the wonderful find cooled down enough for them to examine it.

Mr. Ellis is in town right now; he's going to take the first train to the state office that registers land transactions and stake out a plot on which a strange thing lies so that no one can challenge his claims to the possession of the object.

An hour ago, a group went to that place, which will have to travel all night. The terrain in those parts is wild and rugged, and the roads are little better than trails. I will wire all the details immediately as they become available.


It all ended in an equally unexpected way. The article, which appeared in the newspaper two days later, told about the unexpected disappearance of a UFO:

Your correspondent has just returned from the place where the air alien crashed last Friday. The object disappeared as if it had evaporated. Yesterday, around two o'clock in the afternoon, there was a heavy downpour with a hurricane. As the usual heavy downpour approached, most of those who were going to look at the mysterious alien ran to seek shelter. Only a dozen people or a little more, among whom was your correspondent, stayed to see the effect of the rain on the sparkling metal. The hurricane came from the north, carrying water dust on its crest and bringing down torrents of rain to the ground. It was impossible to see more than a rod (a little more than 5 meters. — M. G.) through the rushing mass of water that flooded the eyes. It lasted for half an hour; when the rain had weakened enough to make out the meteorite, it was no longer there.

Three feet deep water flowed through the ravine; assuming that it had carried away a strange ship, people crossed the stream at the risk of their lives. They were shocked to see that the mysterious object was dissolved by water, melted like a spoonful of salt, leaving only a pathetic remnant. There were small jelly-like puddles here and there on the ground, but even they were getting smaller and smaller in front of the witnesses.

Finally, there was nothing left but muddy water that flowed into the rivulets flowing into the main stream, flowing a few feet away. There was a faint sweet smell in the air. All this is extremely puzzling and will undoubtedly remain a mystery forever. Alf Williamson, the injured cowboy, left with his brother for Denver today. It is feared that he will never regain his sight, although otherwise he does not seem to have suffered too seriously.


A hundred years later, Jerome Clark went to Nebraska to interview local old-timers. There was no one among them who remembered 1884. but Clark did not count on living eyewitnesses. He was hoping to hear something like: "Yes, my grandfather once told me that he saw fragments of a thing that fell from the sky." His hopes did not come true: no one remembered anything.

In the local historical society, no records of the wreck of the "melted ship" could be found either, although the Ellis ranch, which was mentioned in the article, did exist. Ida Toler from Benkelman said that back in the 60s of the last century, her son, Ras Toler, who worked in the news department of the Omaha World Herald newspaper, stumbled upon these articles and tried to conduct his own research, but could not find anyone who knew about the UFO crash. Neither he nor anyone else could find any evidence that the UFO crash in 1884 actually happened or, conversely, did not happen.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

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ufo  ufo sightings  Martian  past  1884  1887  1865  UFO crash analysis 

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