Gary McKinnon in search of UFOs hacked the Pentagon. What did he find there?

A hacker in search of UFOs hacked the Pentagon. What did he find there?

According to the hacker, the US government has long known the laws of anti-gravity, and freeways to obtain energy, and much more that could make life easier and simpler for all people. But the United States usurped the right to extraterrestrial technology, which, according to Gary, was immoral and dishonest. However, the mainshock for Solo was the list of people and their positions, entitled as "Non-Terrestrial Officers".

I think what's behind this is not on Earth. I found a list of names of transfers between technical units and a list of ship names. And these were not the names of US Navy ships. What I saw, it seems to me, were the names of spaceships

In an interview , Gary later said:

The arrogance with which the United States and its government behave is sometimes striking. Sometimes it even feels as if they know something that other countries do not even suspect and do not guess. And thanks to hacker Gary McKinnon, their secret became known to everyone not so long ago: it turns out they have their own space fleet.


Scottish hacker Gary McKinnon, who operated on the network under the nickname Solo, dreamed of cosmic distances and acquaintance with alien civilizations since childhood. UFOs were his true passion. However, Gary traveled the World Wide Web with no less enthusiasm. The first computer was given to him by his parents when they noticed that the guy did not really get along with his peers and generally found it difficult to find a common language with others.

Because of his obstinacy, he even dropped out of the music group. Mrs. McKinnon hoped that her son, like other teenagers, would use the "miracle technique" (it was 1980) for games and communication, but Gary preferred to create graphics and write programs. And 3 years later, he saw the movie "War Games", in which a hacker "nerd" breaks into the Pentagon computer network. It was then that he came up with the idea that if anywhere it is worth looking for evidence of the existence of UFOs and their contacts with humanity, it is in the highest military departments of the United States. He was only 17 at the time. It took a full 20 years before McKinnon managed to hack the most impregnable and secure servers of the Pentagon and NASA.

Pentagon aliens hacked

However, do not think that all these 20 years he has been doing is storming US computers. Not at all. Gary lived his life, worked as a system administrator, dated girls. However, his shift on the basis of UFOs was getting worse every year. He searched everywhere for indisputable facts of the existence of life outside the Earth: he read relevant books, watched documentaries. Scouring the Internet, McKinnon came to the conclusion that the American government is deceiving the public and has been using alien technologies for a long time. In particular, Gary was convinced that Americans were hiding ways to get free energy. He was very angry about this, believing that such alien developments should not be kept secret from the public, especially at a time "when pensioners cannot pay for refueling their cars."

McKinnon's finest hour struck in March 2002, when, sitting at his girlfriend's house, Gary decided to try to bring the United States to the surface. What was said, was done!

Odd employees

The information he obtained both shocked and delighted him because Gary found confirmation of his guesses. He was convinced that the US government has long known the laws of anti-gravity, and freeways to obtain energy and many other things that could make life easier and simpler for all people. But the United States usurped the right to extraterrestrial technology, which, according to Gary, was immoral and dishonest.

However, the mainshock for Solo was the list of people and their positions, entitled as "Non-Terrestrial Officers".

I think what's behind this is not on Earth. I found a list of names of transfers between technical units and a list of ship names. And these were not the names of US Navy ships. What I saw, it seems to me, were the names of spaceships

In an interview , Gary later said:

It is characteristic that these "Non-Terrestrial Officers" no longer appeared in any other official documents. And this gives rise to a grandiose assumption: secretly from the whole world, the United States has formed an entire space fleet capable of traveling at the speed of light. Using alien technologies, their ships have been flying outside the Solar System for a long time and are actively exploring deep space. In confirmation of this guess, Gary found a lot of pictures from UFOs — a variety of flying objects both in the form of plates and in the form of cylinders.

It is noteworthy that many of these photos were clearly taken at close range, and - all of them were of very good quality. This means that neither the objects themselves nor their crews saw any threat in the earthlings-photographers: they had no purpose to remain unnoticed, on the contrary, they seemed to pose in front of the cameras. But it was the excellent quality of the pictures, and therefore their great weight, that did not allow Gary to download the photos to his computer. He only managed to take a screenshot of a computer screen with one of the frames, but even that was confiscated during court proceedings.

70 years in Guantanamo

The US authorities quickly reached out to Gary McKinnon and demanded his extradition from Britain. According to the prosecution, Solo "deleted critical files in the operating system, which made it impossible to use more than 2 thousand computers in the military district of Washington during the day, and also deleted the US Navy weapon registration logs." The Americans claimed that the United States spent 800 thousand dollars to identify Gary's attack and eliminate its consequences! It is no wonder that they were eager for the hacker's immediate extradition in order to try him in America, where McKinnon was to serve time not anywhere, but in Guantanamo - a well-known prison. Against this bleak prospect, a $2 million fine seemed the lesser of evils.

Gary denied the charges. He claimed that, firstly, he was only looking for information about US cooperation with aliens and, secondly, he had access to only one computer. And this means that he could not have caused the enormous damage that is attributed to him. McKinnon saw only another confirmation of his rightness in the desire of the United States to get his hands on him at all costs.

The case of the Scottish hacker was considered for a very long time - almost 10 years, until in 2012, the then British Prime Minister David Cameron did not prohibit the extradition of McKinnon at all, declaring him mentally ill.

So everyone remained with their own interests: Solo - in the absolute conviction of the existence of the US space fleet, and the Americans - in the belief that the hacker significantly downplays the significance of his actions. That's how they parted…

Since then, Gary McKinnon has been out of work: who will take a sysadmin with such a track record? And representatives of the Pentagon and NASA to this day refute the information published by the Scottish hacker already in 2002. But not too successfully. And therefore, cases of hacking of classified military and government information have become more frequent recently. People are tired of being in the dark and are trying to uncover the secrets of the powerful: who doesn't want free gasoline?

Автор: en:User:Wilsha - en:Image:GMKtrafalgar.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Author: en:User:Wilsha - en:Image:GMKtrafalgar.jpg, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Blatantly lying?

When Gary made public the facts he discovered on the servers of the Pentagon and NASA, not everyone believed him. "This Scot is blatantly lying, hoping to attract attention to himself!" much thought. But what about the fact that some former employees of the US military departments confirm the information found by McKinnon? How can we not recall the famous conspiracy theory, according to which the secret world government has been working closely with aliens for a long time? It's just that their meetings do not take place on Earth, but in space to avoid unnecessary witnesses.

But all this still remains at the level of rumors. If we look skeptically at this event, it is worth noting that we do not have material evidence on hand. Everything is just from words. Of course, we can analyze indirect facts. But, for example, if we assume that Harry really hacked the Pentagon servers, then how can we know that he was looking for information about aliens, and not trying to hide behind this topic so that the public would pay attention and not give offense.  Always keep a certain amount of skepticism when reading any facts.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Gary McKinnon  hacker  UFOs  Solar Warden  Solo  NASA  Pentagon  Conspiracy theory  conspiracy theories  conspiracy

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