Most recent UFO sightings 2024 on video and photo

UFOs sightings - ufo caught on camera and your stories

Here you can find the most interesting, in our opinion, cases of the latest UFO sightings in 2022 and earlier years. You have a great opportunity to read the opinions of UFO witnesses,  as well as videos of UFOs caught on camera. You can also send your observations in the corresponding menu of the section on the right.

How a UFO over the Soviet Carpathian region almost unleashed a nuclear war?

How a UFO over the Soviet Carpathian region almost unleashed a nuclear war?

At the end of the XX century, the world was gripped by a real UFO mania. Strange lights and glowing objects appeared in the skies above American cities, NATO submarines hunted unknown and elusive Quakers in the oceans, sincerely believing that the Russians were to blame, and astronauts reported on strange objects observed in the portholes of space stations.

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Kurt Russell said that he saw a UFO when flying on his plane

Kurt Russell said that he saw a UFO when flying on his plane

Famous Hollywood actor Kurt Russell admitted in an interview that he met an unidentified flying object. According to the actor, in the past, he really saw something that he could not explain

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The UFO incident occurred on Lake Ladoga, in the Leningrad region.

The UFO incident occurred on Lake Ladoga, in the Leningrad region.

A whole group of UFOs hovered in the distance behind the trees. Unfortunately, there is no way to set the exact date of the shooting. We only have space at our disposal. This video leaves a mixed impression and leaves a lot of questions.

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The military observed a UFO and even captured it on camera

Intverview of the military and video footage of UFOs

This is an interview at a military border base, recorded in the distant 90's. Real military men talk about their experiences with UFOs, and also provide real footage of this event, filmed on camera.

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Contact with 3 UFO spheres on November 4, 1968

Contact with a

On November 4, 1968, an IB-249 of the Spanish company IBERIA was flying to Alicante from London on the B31 highway, commander Juan Ignacio Lorenzo Torres, co-pilot Juan Seldran Garcia, and flight mechanic Jose Cuenca Paneke

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Pilots Discover Unidentified Fast-moving cylindrical Object over New Mexico

Pilots Discover Unidentified Fast-moving cylindrical Object over New Mexico

American Airlines Flight 2292, an Airbus A320 flying between Cincinnati and Phoenix on February 21, 2021, had a close encounter with what its crew described as a long cylindrical object

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Real UFO photos were taken by a schoolboy in 1990.

Real UFO photos were taken by a schoolboy in 1990.

Ufologists claim that the phenomenon of UFOs is that when it appears, it can be visible to some and completely invisible to others. No one can explain this, but out of several people who are nearby, someone can see a UFO, and someone can not.

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George Adamski – the interplanetary wanderer

George Adamski – the interplanetary wanderer

In 1952, contactee George Adamski took a photo of an alien scout ship. In this photo, the UFO is shown in the smallest detail, this has never happened before. Adamski, who claimed to have had contact with extraterrestrials, said he took this photo through a telescope, after one such contact.

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Battle with UFOs in the sky over Los Angeles in 1942

Battle with UFOs in the sky over Los Angeles in 1942

On the night of February 25, 1942, dozens of UFOs appeared in the sky over Los Angeles. The American air defenses opened a frenzied fire on them. How did the battle end?

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Flying saucer sightings - UFO in 2011

Flying saucer sightings - UFO in 2011

This observation of a flying saucer occurred on May 10, 2011, and there are a huge number of witnesses to this event.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Stone disks found in Chinese mine. Flying saucers?

Flying saucers found in Chinese mineIn the village of Huanggu, Jiangxi Province, while clearing a site for a coal mine, workers discovered a strange stone block - a disk with a small bulge in the middle. They began to dig further

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