In the 18th century in France, a strange object fell from the sky, the pilot of which survived and ran away into the forest

In the 18th century in France, a strange object fell from the sky, the pilot of which survived and ran away into the forest

This sphere, which was large enough to accommodate a carriage, was not affected by all this falling. This phenomenon caused such curiosity that people came from all over the district to see it.

The quote:

Although some people believe that the UFO phenomenon began only in the twentieth century, there are several well-preserved pieces of evidence that suggest that UFOs and aliens have been familiar to people for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. One of these certificates is allegedly stored in the archives of the French Academy of Sciences in Paris

UFO sphere

In 1967, a certain Antonio Fenoglio, who teaches at the University of Bologna (Italy), according to him, found in this archive a message about the crash of a UFO that occurred in 1790, that is, 231 years ago. The message was a report of a police inspector named Labeouf, who in the summer of 1790 was sent from Paris to the Alencon area for a thorough investigation of a "dangerous incident" that occurred near the city gates, which had many respected witnesses. When Labeouf got to his destination and interviewed local residents, the following story emerged...

At 5 o'clock in the morning on June 12, several farmers saw a huge ball, which, as it seemed to them, was surrounded by flames. At first, they thought that a balloon might have caught fire (a few years before this incident, the Montgolfier brothers triumphantly made the first-ever balloon flight), but then their attention was attracted by the high speed of the object falling and the whistling sound coming from it.

The balloon slowed down, made a few twitches, and fell to the top of the hill, uprooting trees along the slope. The heat radiating from it was so strong that soon the grass and trees caught fire. The peasants managed to contain the fire, which threatened to spread to the entire territory." "In the evening, heat still radiated from this sphere, and then something unusual, if not incredible, happened.

This was witnessed by two mayors, a doctor, and three other government representatives who confirmed my report, in addition to dozens of peasants who were present." "This sphere, which was large enough to accommodate a carriage, was not affected by all this fall. This phenomenon aroused such curiosity that people came from all over the district to see it."

"Then suddenly (in the sphere) a door opened, and, interestingly, a man like us came out of it, but this man was strangely dressed, in a tight suit, and seeing all this crowd around the sphere, he said a few incomprehensible words to them and then ran into the forest."

"The peasants instinctively retreated to the sides in fear, and this saved their lives, because soon after, the sphere exploded in complete silence, scattering fragments everywhere, and these pieces burned until they turned into powder." "Research has been launched to find the mysterious man, but he seems to have completely disappeared.

The quote:

If the report, excerpts from which are given above, is reliable, it proves that UFOs with crews visit us a long time ago. The aircraft may have overheated or had other problems, after which it made an emergency landing.

And when the pilot saw that a crowd of people had gathered around him, he probably decided to destroy his ship so as not to leave such important evidence of his existence to people. Fortunately, there were no victims, and the feedback received from witnesses helped Labeouf to compile a detailed report for the French Academy of Sciences.

UFO sightings


Unfortunately, apart from the report of Professor Fenoglio about this archival document, nothing more is still known about it, and in later years some researchers have stated that this whole case is just a hoax (fake).

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO  ufo sphere  The spheres  ufo sightings  1790

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